Sunday, July 26, 2009

Know your country/state...

Getting to know more about our incredible country is always fun, especially when members decide to be ambassadors/representatives for the same. we felt the need to understand each others cultures better, hence this interactive session.
The states covered in this session were Kerala, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. Each member - Aditya, Amruta and Minshu respectively spoke about its culture, history, food, clothing, etc. other members also added to it, the facts they knew. We learnt some really nice interesting things about these places.
we hope to include many more such places to increase our knowledge of our land. Fellowship of the states added to the flavor of the activity :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Installation

The Rotaract Club of Pune, Kalyani Nagar held its installation ceremony on 19th July to formally bring in the new year of 2009-2010 and to install members to various posts and positions as well as to welcome new members into the club.
The event, being a highly formal one was well organised and a lot of advance planning and effort went into putting things in order and coming up with a good show. On the day of the ceremony also, there was ample amount of work to be done, which involved seating arrangements, lights and sound, fellowship, arrangement of prizes, etc.
The Chief Guest for the occasion was the highly respected, Dr. Deepak Shikharpur who is not only well known for his work and accomplishments within the Rotary circle, but also for his laurels outside it. Those who were present for the ceremony were members of The Rotary Club and friends and family of the members of our club.
The ceremony was compered by Rtr. Rahul Kothari. The ceremony involved the outgoing President, Rtr. Nadeem Bulsara’s speech as well as the incoming President, Rtr. Aanchal Aggarwal’s speech, the giving away of awards, installation of the President and her Board of Directors and an inspiring and informative speech by Dr. Shikharpur. The ceremony ended with a talk given by Mr. Kiran Vani, after which people got a chance to socialize and interact with one another.
Thus, the installation ceremony formally commenced the New Year for our club, and instilled a sense of pride and enthusiasm in our members, to work hard to ensure that it reaches greater heights.
Rtr. Raahat Achtani

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

‘Reduce Reuse Recycle’

We are organising a project ‘Reduce Reuse Recycle’.

We will be collect old newspapers (raddi) from societies of Kalyani Nagar. This drive will be held on the Sunday 9th of August, as a part of our Independence Day Month celebration. The newspapers will be sold and the proceeds from it will go towards our upcoming Notebook project. We are collecting unused notebook papers from various schools in Pune, binding them into new notebooks and donating to poor children. This is a part of our ‘Environment and Literacy’ initiative to reduce the demand for new notebooks, reuse such old notebook papers, recycle newspapers and providing a little infrastructure for under-privileged members of the society for their learning process.

Schedule for the project

- 6th July – 19th July : publicity of project in Kalyani Nagar societies

- 26th july – Meeting with Interact Club Presidents

- 9th August – Collection of raddi from KN societies and notebook papers from Interactors. Giving the same for binding

- 15th August- Donation of notebooks to poor children

Sunday, July 5, 2009

1st meeting……………..

The 1st meeting of the year was held on 5th July with an impressive attendance of 17 members and 2 guests. The meeting was called to order at 11:30...We began our year being very punctual...
The agenda for the meeting was discussion of the club leadership plan, projects which were notebook project and know your region projects and the discussion for the club dinners/picnics..
The clp was discussed and a plan for member retention was thought of i.e. an alumni meeting.
What a way to start the year :)

Rtr.Ritika Athwani

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blood donation Drive

1st July, 2009, the first day of the new session for Rotarians and Rotaractors began on a truly charitable note. The Rotary Club of Pune, Kalyani Nagar had organised a one day Blood Donation Camp for which Rotarians, Rotractors and their friends were present to voluntarily help out as well as to donate blood. Two members from Rotaract, Ali and Dhruv gladly donated blood, while the remaining members eagerly stayed and assisted each other in the process. The Blood Donation Drive was notably successful in getting a considerable amount of blood and warming everyone’s heart.
Rtr. Raahat Achtani

Aanchal Aggarwal - President 2009-2010

I welcome each one of you to a new year! I am very happy with how the year has begun and I am looking
forward to an eventful year. This being our first bulletin this year I would like to say a few words…

Firstly I’d like to thank IPP Rtr.Nadeem Bulsara for all the support and encouragement he has given me and for
believing in me that I can be the President and take the club to greater heights. A big thank you to our hidden support system,
our parent Rotary, who has always stood by us.

Most importantly I’d like to thank my members who have always given their best in making every project a success.
I hope that we can work with much more enthusiasm because it’s you who makes the club what it is. Each one of you
has that special quality which makes our club special. So I hope that each one of us can use our special quality and
keep up the good work and not let any hurdles pull us down. As said by Henry Ford,
Coming together is a beginning,
Keeping together is progress,
Working together is success.
Thus, it is only as a team (TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More)
that we can achieve it all…So keep up the good work and let’s make our club even better this year.
Rtr.Aanchal Aggarwal
R.C. of Pune Kalyani Nagar